The World


Port Crescent
Port Crescent is the capital of Mast, and one of the richest and most powerful cities in the Domain. Its buildings in the old part of town are made of white marble, and, like Venice in our world, it has canals that run through the city. Dark green gondolas are available for transport, but sidewalks and bridges are available as well. Its shops are all indoors. The locals have a certain amiable arrogance about them, and they wear brightly colored, luxurious clothing. The brighter the clothing, the richer one is. Blond hair and pale skin are the most common genes in the gene pool.
Port Crescent boasts the royal family of Mast, the renowned Tide Library (which has the largest selection of historical documents known to the Domain), and some of the greatest pieces of art that are second only to Roth. Its exports are fish, mother-of-pearl, and silver jewelry.
Port Crescent's queen has supporters even in other lands.

Roth is the capital of the relatively unpopulated and forested nation of Vere. Its buildings have a Roman feel to them, and the city is located on Vere's half of Crane Lake, hidden among the low hills and forest. The city is well protected from invaders, for several miles around the city are enormous statues of Roth's great rulers of the past. Roth is the oldest and best preserved city in the Domain. Its people are well educated, for the city boasts the best university in the known world, but compared to the other great cities, life is fairly peaceful and slow-paced.
Roth is ruled by a Sovereign and its Council of elected officials. The current Sovereign is a round fellow by the name of Thatticus. Roth has very little exports aside from books, but people will come from thousands of miles away for the university. 

Saria is the capital of the nation of Dorian. The city is colored in bright jewel tones, and the buildings range from squat to tall spires with twisted teardrops on top, all painted lavishly and the wealthier neighborhoods are gilded with gold. It is second to Port Crescent in wealth. The city is built to go with the flow of the hills, making the streets twist and turn. The Sarian people dress in sheer silk clothing with colorful patterns, and it is not uncommon for everyone to be shirtless, even the women, on summer days.
The rulers of Dorian are a council of all the rulers of the larger towns and cities in the nation. Saria's representative is King Hadon, alongside his wife, Queen Veya. Saria's exports are the finest horses, spices, salts, herbs, and armory.