The Language

Like any self-respecting fantasy world, there will be different languages. I have compiled a growing list of words that sometimes appear in common speech. This is purely for authentic enjoyment. This type of speech is simply called the Ancient Voice. It is understood by scholars and some words have just been kept throughout the generations.

Ghin’dia—Refers to the warrior women of Angold. Means “Smart women.” Pronounced with a hard g, as in game.
Eé de myre? –Direct translation is “What of earth?” which means the same as our “What the hell?” Pronounced “ee-Yay dey my-ruh”
Cané d’te? –Where are you from? Pronounced “Con-eh de-Ti?”
Athala Cristos - 'Life Giver.' The name for Athala in the Ancient language. Not used anymore by the general population, but in areas and families where traditions are highly valued, it sometimes appears as a swear. No one knows it's origins.
Iea dise tanon gean ten vul au fino gean, dise so au lonudia gean, dise ma taneosea de vule au angold. –A recitation said at worship services to Mar. It means, “He who allows us to live and thrive, who shelters and protects us, who is the giver of life and death.” Pronounced (take a deep breath): Yeh-ah dee-say tah-nohn gay-an ten vool oh feenoh gay-an, dee-say soh o low-noo-dee-ya gay-an, dee-say mah ta-ne-oh-se-ah de voo-le o ahn-gold.
Vesiri –Merchant.
Dia –Woman
Diom –Man
Sorá –Married person.
Dise –Who, pronounced Dee-say
– What. Pronounced Eh-yee
Inte –When
Cané –Where
Curé –Why
Iné –How
Baál hume –Good morning
Baál sanofienda –Good afternoon
Baál junofien –Good night.
Lavasine –Hello
Zocoro –We must part. Aka, “Peace out.”
Sile –Come.
Je –Yes.
Ni –No.