The Cast

Idonia d'Angold
Daughter of the Jin'ai Clan
Idonia is a fierce ghin’dia, a Woman Warrior in the subcountry of Angold. She fell in love with someone who had accidentally tread upon the discovery of the forgotten gods, an accident that cost him his life. Now, heart hardened to steel and determined to not let anything get in her way, she travels the Domain outside of her native desert, continuing to search for the answers to the questions that her love had unlocked, fighting against nature and death itself.


Rhuarc Delany Baxter
Former High Adviser to the Sovereign of Roth, Former Dean of History at the University of Roth
 Rhuarc was a child prodigy and is a politically ambitious sphinx from Roth. While showing to the public his personality of a kind and slightly foolishly charming individual, he lied and manipulated his way to the top from the background. Gaining many enemies and potential assassins through his little stunts, he was forced to flee. He met Idonia during his travels as a wanted man, and in Port Crescent, he discovered The Final Prophecy, and the knowledge that he is the reincarnation of Daemon, the Seer of Time.


Cynthia Tudyr
Queen of Mast
Cynthia has been pampered all her life, never learning a practical lesson that does not involve politics or formal education. When her mother died when she was fourteen, Cynthia inherited the Throne of Moons, and she was forced to grow up too fast. Though her nobility does not overpower her high maintenance, she ruled with a steady hand. With the destruction of Port Crescent, she was forced to abandon her throne and people and flee, for Mar and his rogue worshipers were after her.

Secondary and minor characters and villains will be added as the story progresses.